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A topological space is locally connected at the point x if every neighborhood of x contains a connected open neighborhood. It is called locally connected if it is locally ...
If a points A^', B^', and C^' are marked on each side of a triangle DeltaABC, one on each side (or on a side's extension), then the three Miquel circles (each through a ...
The Darboux cubic Z(X_(20)) of a triangle DeltaABC is the locus of all pedal-cevian points (i.e., of all points whose pedal triangle is perspective with DeltaABC). It is a ...
The Euler-Gergonne-Soddy circle, a term coined here for the first time, is the circumcircle of the Euler-Gergonne-Soddy triangle. Since the Euler-Gergonne-Soddy triangle is a ...
"The" Griffiths point Gr is the fixed point in Griffiths' theorem. Given four points on a circle and a line through the center of the circle, the four corresponding Griffiths ...
The Lucas cubic is a pivotal isotomic cubic having pivot point at Kimberling center X_(69), the isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter, i.e., the locus of points P such that ...
Given a line having trilinear coordinate equation lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0 with respect to a reference triangle DeltaABC, the point mn:nl:lm is called the trilinear pole of the ...
Young's geometry is a finite geometry which satisfies the following five axioms: 1. There exists at least one line. 2. Every line of the geometry has exactly three points on ...
The coordinates representing any point of an n-dimensional affine space A by an n-tuple of real numbers, thus establishing a one-to-one correspondence between A and R^n. If V ...
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. Now define addition p+a in A for any vector a in V and element p in A subject to the conditions: 1. ...
