Search Results for "pascal point"
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Let A be a closed convex subset of a Banach space and assume there exists a continuous map T sending A to a countably compact subset T(A) of A. Then T has fixed points.
The Pappus spiral is the name given to the conical spiral with parametric equations x(t) = asin(alphat)cost (1) y(t) = asin(alphat)sint (2) x(t) = acos(alphat) (3) by ...
A function which has infinitely many derivatives at a point. If a function is not polygenic, it is monogenic.
The numerators and denominators obtained by taking the ratios of adjacent terms in the triangular array of the number of +1 "bordered" alternating sign matrices A_n with a 1 ...
The Christmas stocking theorem, also known as the hockey stick theorem, states that the sum of a diagonal string of numbers in Pascal's triangle starting at the nth entry ...
The radial curve of the catenary x = t (1) y = cosht (2) with radiant point (x_0,y_0) is given by x_r = x_0-coshtsinht (3) y_r = y_0+cosht. (4)
A generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by 1=G_1=G_2=...=G_(c-1) and the recurrence relation G_n=G_(n-1)+G_(n-c). (1) These are the sums of elements on successive ...
The Hanoi graph H_n corresponding to the allowed moves in the tower of Hanoi problem. The above figure shows the Hanoi graphs for small n. The Hanoi graph H_n can be ...
The limaçon trisectrix is a trisectrix that is a special case of the rose curve with n=1/3 (possibly with translation, rotation, and scaling). It was studied by Archimedes, ...
The probability of getting at least one "6" in four rolls of a single 6-sided die is 1-(5/6)^4 approx 0.5177, (1) which is slightly higher than the probability of at least ...