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1891 - 1900 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results
A finite group G has a finite number of conjugacy classes and a finite number of distinct irreducible representations. The group character of a group representation is ...
A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral for which a circle can be circumscribed so that it touches each polygon vertex. A quadrilateral that can be both inscribed and ...
Linear programming, sometimes known as linear optimization, is the problem of maximizing or minimizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron specified by linear and ...
The general bivariate quadratic curve can be written ax^2+2bxy+cy^2+2dx+2fy+g=0. (1) Define the following quantities: Delta = |a b d; b c f; d f g| (2) J = |a b; b c| (3) I = ...
A vector is formally defined as an element of a vector space. In the commonly encountered vector space R^n (i.e., Euclidean n-space), a vector is given by n coordinates and ...
A graph G is distance transitive if its automorphism group is transitive on pairs of vertices at each pairwise distance in the graph. Distance-transitivity is a ...
Topology is the mathematical study of the properties that are preserved through deformations, twistings, and stretchings of objects. Tearing, however, is not allowed. A ...
A triangle is a 3-sided polygon sometimes (but not very commonly) called the trigon. Every triangle has three sides and three angles, some of which may be the same. The sides ...
The absolute value of a real number x is denoted |x| and defined as the "unsigned" portion of x, |x| = xsgn(x) (1) = {-x for x<=0; x for x>=0, (2) where sgn(x) is the sign ...
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