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If f is a function on an open set U, then the zero set of f is the set Z={z in U:f(z)=0}. A subset of a topological space X is called a zero set if it is equal to f^(-1)(0) ...
What is the probability that a chord drawn at random on a circle of radius r (i.e., circle line picking) has length >=r (or sometimes greater than or equal to the side length ...
Coaxal circles are circles whose centers are collinear and that share a common radical line. The collection of all coaxal circles is called a pencil of coaxal circles ...
Three or more points P_1, P_2, P_3, ..., are said to be collinear if they lie on a single straight line L. A line on which points lie, especially if it is related to a ...
If a discrete group of displacements in the plane has more than one center of rotation, then the only rotations that can occur are by 2, 3, 4, and 6. This can be shown as ...
If the square is instead erected internally, their centers form a triangle DeltaI_AI_BI_C that has (exact) trilinear vertex matrix given by (1) (E. Weisstein, Apr. 25, 2004). ...
Let P(z) and Q(z) be univariate polynomials in a complex variable z, and let the polynomial degrees of P and Q satisfy deg(Q)>=deg(P+2). Then int_gamma(P(z))/(Q(z))dz = ...
The Lucas central triangle (a term coined here for the first time) is the triangle DeltaL_AL_BL_C formed by the centers of the Lucas circles of a given reference triangle ...
The outer Napoleon triangle is the triangle DeltaN_C^'N_B^'N_A^' formed by the centers of externally erected equilateral triangles DeltaABE_C^', DeltaACE_B^', and ...
By analogy with the outer Napoleon triangle, consider the external erection of three squares on the sides of a triangle DeltaABC. These centers form a triangle DeltaO_AO_BO_C ...
