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A dragon curve is a recursive nonintersecting curve whose name derives from its resemblance to a certain mythical creature. The curve can be constructed by representing a ...
A complete set of mutually conjugate group elements. Each element in a group belongs to exactly one class, and the identity element (I=1) is always in its own class. The ...
Given a 111×111 (0,1)-matrix, fill 11 spaces in each row in such a way that all columns also have 11 spaces filled. Furthermore, each pair of rows must have exactly one ...
The radial curve of the deltoid x = 1/3a[2cost+cos(2t)] (1) y = 1/3a[2sint-sin(2t)] (2) with pedal point (x_0,y_0) is x_p = 1/6[3x+cost+3xcost-cos(2t)-3ysint] (3) y_p = ...
The involute of an ellipse specified parametrically by x = acost (1) y = bsint (2) is given by the parametric equations x_i = ...
For a rectangular hyperbola x = asect (1) y = atant (2) with inversion center at the origin, the inverse curve is x_i = (2kcost)/(a[3-cos(2t)]) (3) y_i = ...
The pedal curve for an n-cusped hypocycloid x = a((n-1)cost+cos[(n-1)t])/n (1) y = a((n-1)sint-sin[(n-1)t])/n (2) with pedal point at the origin is the curve x_p = ...
For a logarithmic spiral given parametrically as x = ae^(bt)cost (1) y = ae^(bt)sint, (2) evolute is given by x_e = -abe^(bt)sint (3) y_e = abe^(bt)cost. (4) As first shown ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+(y^')/x+(1-(nu^2)/(x^2))y=(x-nu)/(pix^2)sin(pinu) whose solutions are Anger functions.
The first Brocard point is the interior point Omega (also denoted tau_1 or Z_1) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
