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The vertical perspective projection is a map projection that corresponds to the appearance of a globe when directly viewed from some distance away with the z-axis of the ...
A function f(x) has a vertical tangent line at x_0 if f is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=+/-infty.
A positive integer n is a veryprime iff all primes p<=sqrt(n) satisfy {|2[n (mod p)]-p|<=1 very strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=sqrt(p) strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=p/2 weak. (1) The ...
The system of partial differential equations (partial_t+partial_z^3+partial_(z^_)^3)v+partial_z(uv)+partial_(z^_)(vw) (1) partial_(z^_)u=3partial_zv (2) ...
The term "vesica piscis," meaning "fish bladder" in Latin, is used for the particular symmetric lens formed by the intersection of two equal circles whose centers are offset ...
Solution of a system of second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients of the form (d^2x)/(dt^2)+bx=0, where b is a positive definite ...
An auction in which the highest bidder wins but pays only the second-highest bid. This variation over the normal bidding procedure is supposed to encourage bidders to bid the ...
The vierergruppe is the Abelian abstract group on four elements that is isomorphic to the finite group C2×C2 and the dihedral group D_2. The multiplication table of one ...
Let s_i be the sum of the products of distinct polynomial roots r_j of the polynomial equation of degree n a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the roots are taken ...
The substitution of x=w-p/(3w) (1) into the standard form cubic equation x^3+px=q. (2) The result reduces the cubic to the equation w^3-(p^3)/(27w^3)-q=0, (3) which is easily ...
