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Given a square n×n nonsingular integer matrix A, there exists an n×n unimodular matrix U and an n×n matrix H (known as the Hermite normal form of A) such that AU=H. ...
Let L_n be the n×n matrix whose (i,j)th entry is 1 if j divides i and 0 otherwise, let Phi_n be the n×n diagonal matrix diag(phi(1),phi(2),...,phi(n)), where phi(n) is the ...
The Jordan canonical form, also called the classical canonical form, of a special type of block matrix in which each block consists of Jordan blocks with possibly differing ...
Gaussian elimination is a method for solving matrix equations of the form Ax=b. (1) To perform Gaussian elimination starting with the system of equations [a_(11) a_(12) ... ...
A system of linear differential equations (dy)/(dz)=A(z)y, (1) with A(z) an analytic n×n matrix, for which the matrix A(z) is analytic in C^_\{a_1,...,a_N} and has a pole of ...
Let M_r be an r-rowed minor of the nth order determinant |A| associated with an n×n matrix A=a_(ij) in which the rows i_1, i_2, ..., i_r are represented with columns k_1, ...
If all the eigenvalues of a real matrix A have real parts, then to an arbitrary negative definite quadratic form (x,Wx) with x=x(t) there corresponds a positive definite ...
If mu=(mu_1,mu_2,...,mu_n) is an arbitrary set of positive numbers, then all eigenvalues lambda of the n×n matrix a=a_(ij) lie on the disk |z|<=m_mu, where ...
Eigenvalues are a special set of scalars associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic roots, ...
The algebraic unknotting number of a knot K in S^3 is defined as the algebraic unknotting number of the S-equivalence class of a Seifert matrix of K. The algebraic unknotting ...
