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A series which is not convergent. Series may diverge by marching off to infinity or by oscillating. Divergent series have some curious properties. For example, rearranging ...
A (p,q)-graph is edge-graceful if the edges can be labeled 1 through q in such a way that the labels induced on the vertices by summing over incident edges modulo p are ...
Let a distribution to be approximated be the distribution F_n of standardized sums Y_n=(sum_(i=1)^(n)(X_i-X^_))/(sqrt(sum_(i=1)^(n)sigma_X^2)). (1) In the Charlier series, ...
A curve also known as the Gerono lemniscate. It is given by Cartesian coordinates x^4=a^2(x^2-y^2), (1) polar coordinates, r^2=a^2sec^4thetacos(2theta), (2) and parametric ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Ellingham and Horton. These graphs on 54 and 78 nodes respectively, illustrated above, are examples of 3-connected bicubic ...
The elliptic modulus k is a quantity used in elliptic integrals and elliptic functions defined to be k=sqrt(m), where m is the parameter. An elliptic integral is written ...
The Euler formula, sometimes also called the Euler identity (e.g., Trott 2004, p. 174), states e^(ix)=cosx+isinx, (1) where i is the imaginary unit. Note that Euler's ...
The Euler polynomial E_n(x) is given by the Appell sequence with g(t)=1/2(e^t+1), (1) giving the generating function (2e^(xt))/(e^t+1)=sum_(n=0)^inftyE_n(x)(t^n)/(n!). (2) ...
Euler conjectured that there do not exist Euler squares of order n=4k+2 for k=1, 2, .... In fact, MacNeish (1921-1922) published a purported proof of this conjecture (Bruck ...
Euler's series transformation is a transformation that sometimes accelerates the rate of convergence for an alternating series. Given a convergent alternating series with sum ...
