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The Doro graph is a distance-transitive and Distance-Regular Graph on 68 vertices and with valency 12. It is the unique automorphic graph having intersection array ...
A dot plot, also called a dot chart, is a type of simple histogram-like chart used in statistics for relatively small data sets where values fall into a number of discrete ...
An fairly good numerical integration technique. The method is also available in the Wolfram Language using the option Method -> DoubleExponential to NIntegrate.
An E_8 polytope is a polytope having the symmetry of the exceptional simple Lie groups E_8 of dimension 248. There are 255 uniform polytopes with E_8 symmetry in 8 ...
The "echidnahedron" is the term for the spiky fourth icosahedron stellation (in the enumeration of Maeder 1994) apparently first used in the Netlib polyhedron database. It is ...
An edge-induced subgraph is a subset of the edges of a graph G together with any vertices that are their endpoints. The subgraph induced by a set of edges can be computed in ...
An edge coloring of a graph G is a coloring of the edges of G such that adjacent edges (or the edges bounding different regions) receive different colors. An edge coloring ...
In a graph G, contraction of an edge e with endpoints u,v is the replacement of u and v with a single vertex such that edges incident to the new vertex are the edges other ...
The Egawa graph with parameters (p,s) is a distance-regular but not distance-transitive graph on 16^p4^s nodes. These graphs generalize the Doob graphs and give (s,4)-Hamming ...
The elliptic exponential function eexp_(a,b)(u) gives the value of x in the elliptic logarithm eln_(a,b)(x)=1/2int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^3+at^2+bt)) for a and b real such that ...
