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A n×n matrix A is an orthogonal matrix if AA^(T)=I, (1) where A^(T) is the transpose of A and I is the identity matrix. In particular, an orthogonal matrix is always ...
The Paris-Harrington theorem is a strengthening of the finite Ramsey's theorem by requiring that the homogeneous set be large enough so that cardH>=minH. Clearly, the ...
A polygonal number of the form n(3n-1)/2. The first few are 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70, ... (OEIS A000326). The generating function for the pentagonal numbers is ...
A space-filling function which maps a one-dimensional interval into a two-dimensional area. Plane-filling functions were thought to be impossible until Hilbert discovered the ...
The topology on the Cartesian product X×Y of two topological spaces whose open sets are the unions of subsets A×B, where A and B are open subsets of X and Y, respectively. ...
A rolling polyhedron graph is a graph obtained by rolling a polyhedral solid along a board whose tiles match up with the faces of the polyhedron being rolled. The vertices of ...
A Smarandache-Wellin number that is prime is known as a Smarandache-Wellin prime. Concatenations of the first n=1, 2, 4, 128, 174, 342, 435, 1429 (OEIS A046035; Ibstedt 1998, ...
"Stampacchia's theorem" is a name given to any number of related results in functional analysis, and while the body of the theorem often varies depending on the literature ...
The supremum is the least upper bound of a set S, defined as a quantity M such that no member of the set exceeds M, but if epsilon is any positive quantity, however small, ...
A sequence of functions {f_n}, n=1, 2, 3, ... is said to be uniformly convergent to f for a set E of values of x if, for each epsilon>0, an integer N can be found such that ...
