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Let X be a connected topological space. Then X is unicoherent provided that for any closed connected subsets A and B of X, if X=A union B, then A intersection B is connected. ...
Let k be a field of finite characteristic p. Then a polynomial P(x) in k[x] is said to be additive iff P(a)+P(b)=P(a+b) for {a,b,a+b} subset k. For example, P(x)=x^2+x+4 is ...
Let f(z) be a transcendental meromorphic function, and let D_1, D_2, ..., D_5 be five simply connected domains in C with disjoint closures (Ahlfors 1932). Then there exists j ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms which asserts the existence for any set a of the power set x consisting of all the subsets of a. The axiom may be stated symbolically as ...
A number n is called a barrier of a number-theoretic function f(m) if, for all m<n, m+f(m)<=n. Neither the totient function phi(n) nor the divisor function sigma(n) has a ...
If {a_j} subset= D(0,1) (with possible repetitions) satisfies sum_(j=1)^infty(1-|a_j|)<=infty, where D(0,1) is the unit open disk, and no a_j=0, then there is a bounded ...
Let g be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over some field k. A subalgebra h of g is called a Cartan subalgebra if it is nilpotent and equal to its normalizer, which is the ...
Let X and Y be CW-complexes and let X_n (respectively Y_n) denote the n-skeleton of X (respectively Y). Then a continuous map f:X->Y is said to be cellular if it takes ...
The compact-open topology is a common topology used on function spaces. Suppose X and Y are topological spaces and C(X,Y) is the set of continuous maps from f:X->Y. The ...
Define a cell in R^1 as an open interval or a point. A cell in R^(k+1) then has one of two forms, {(x,y):x in C, and f(x)<y<g(x)} (1) or {(x,y):x in C, and y=f(x)}, (2) where ...
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