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The Epstein zeta function for a n×n matrix S of a positive definite real quadratic form and rho a complex variable with R[rho]>n/2 (where R[z] denotes the real part) is ...
Ergodic theory can be described as the statistical and qualitative behavior of measurable group and semigroup actions on measure spaces. The group is most commonly N, R, R-+, ...
A geometry in which Euclid's fifth postulate holds, sometimes also called parabolic geometry. Two-dimensional Euclidean geometry is called plane geometry, and ...
There are (at least) three types of Euler transforms (or transformations). The first is a set of transformations of hypergeometric functions, called Euler's hypergeometric ...
Euler conjectured that at least n nth powers are required for n>2 to provide a sum that is itself an nth power. The conjecture was disproved by Lander and Parkin (1967) with ...
A field K is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension), denoted K/F, of a field F if F is a subfield of K. For example, the complex numbers are an ...
There are essentially three types of Fisher-Tippett extreme value distributions. The most common is the type I distribution, which are sometimes referred to as Gumbel types ...
The falling factorial (x)_n, sometimes also denoted x^(n__) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 48), is defined by (x)_n=x(x-1)...(x-(n-1)) (1) for n>=0. Is also known as the binomial ...
Fermat's last theorem is a theorem first proposed by Fermat in the form of a note scribbled in the margin of his copy of the ancient Greek text Arithmetica by Diophantus. The ...
A figurate number, also (but mostly in texts from the 1500 and 1600s) known as a figural number (Simpson and Weiner 1992, p. 587), is a number that can be represented by a ...
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