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Let L=(L, ^ , v ) be a lattice, and let f,g:L->L. Then the pair (f,g) is a local polarity if and only if for each finite set X subset= L, there is a finitely generated ...
A continuous distribution in which the logarithm of a variable has a normal distribution. It is a general case of Gibrat's distribution, to which the log normal distribution ...
Intuitively, a d-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be long-range if direct flow is possible between pairs of graph vertices or graph edges which are "very ...
The Lotka-Volterra equations describe an ecological predator-prey (or parasite-host) model which assumes that, for a set of fixed positive constants A (the growth rate of ...
Consider a reference triangle DeltaABC and externally inscribe a square on the side BC. Now join the new vertices S_(AB) and S_(AC) of this square with the vertex A, marking ...
A lune is a plane figure bounded by two circular arcs of unequal radii, i.e., a crescent. (By contrast, a plane figure bounded by two circular arcs of equal radius is known ...
A Lyapunov function is a scalar function V(y) defined on a region D that is continuous, positive definite, V(y)>0 for all y!=0), and has continuous first-order partial ...
Consider the sequence of partial sums defined by s_n=sum_(k=1)^n(-1)^kk^(1/k). (1) As can be seen in the plot above, the sequence has two limit points at -0.812140... and ...
The MacBeath inconic of a triangle is the inconic with parameters x:y:z=a^2cosA:b^2cosB:c^2cosC. (1) Its foci are the circumcenter O and the orthocenter H, giving the center ...
A Maclaurin series is a Taylor series expansion of a function about 0, (1) Maclaurin series are named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin. The Maclaurin series ...
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