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Consider the inequality sigma(n)<e^gammanlnlnn for integer n>1, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. This holds for 7, 11, 13, ...
A pseudocylindrical map projection which distorts shape, area, scale, and distance to create attractive average projection properties.
An estimation technique which is insensitive to small departures from the idealized assumptions which have been used to optimize the algorithm. Classes of such techniques ...
dN^^+kappa_idr=0, where N^^ is the unit normal vector and kappa_i is one of the two principal curvatures.
An operator definition of a function. A Rodrigues formula may be converted into a Schläfli integral.
Rodrigues' rotation formula gives an efficient method for computing the rotation matrix R in SO(3) corresponding to a rotation by an angle theta about a fixed axis specified ...
The nonlinear three-dimensional map X^. = -(Y+Z) (1) Y^. = X+aY (2) Z^. = b+XZ-cZ (3) whose strange attractor is show above for a=0.2, b=0.2, and c=8.0.
The Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction is a generalized continued fraction defined by R(q)=(q^(1/5))/(1+q/(1+(q^2)/(1+(q^3)/(1+...)))) (1) (Rogers 1894, Ramanujan 1957, ...
For |q|<1, the Rogers-Ramanujan identities are given by (Hardy 1999, pp. 13 and 90), sum_(n=0)^(infty)(q^(n^2))/((q)_n) = 1/(product_(n=1)^(infty)(1-q^(5n-4))(1-q^(5n-1))) ...
The Rogers-Selberg identities are a set of three analytic q-series identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-type appearing as equation 33, 32, and 31 in Slater (1952), A(q) = ...
