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The sequence of numbers {j_n} giving the number of digits in the three-fold power tower n^(n^n). The values of n^(n^n) for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 16, 7625597484987, ... (OEIS ...
The Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition is a kind of boundary-value condition which naturally emerges in quantum statistical mechanics and related areas. Given a quantum ...
The solid cut from a horizontal cylinder of length L and radius R by a single plane oriented parallel to the cylinder's axis of symmetry (i.e., a portion of a horizontal ...
The ordinary Onsager equation is the sixth-order ordinary differential equation (d^3)/(dx^3)[e^x(d^2)/(dx^2)(e^x(dy)/(dx))]=f(x) (Vicelli 1983; Zwillinger 1997, p. 128), ...
Finding the height above the bottom of a horizontal cylinder (such as a cylindrical gas tank) to which the it must be filled for it to be one quarter full amounts to plugging ...
Find the shape of the curve down which a bead sliding from rest and accelerated by gravity will slip (without friction) from one point to another in the least time. The term ...
Denote the nth derivative D^n and the n-fold integral D^(-n). Then D^(-1)f(t)=int_0^tf(xi)dxi. (1) Now, if the equation D^(-n)f(t)=1/((n-1)!)int_0^t(t-xi)^(n-1)f(xi)dxi (2) ...
In physics, the word entropy has important physical implications as the amount of "disorder" of a system. In mathematics, a more abstract definition is used. The (Shannon) ...
A random walk is a sequence of discrete steps in which each step is randomly taken subject to some set of restrictions in allowed directions and step lengths. Random walks ...
The utility problem posits three houses and three utility companies--say, gas, electric, and water--and asks if each utility can be connected to each house without having any ...
