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Let p_n be the nth prime, then the primorial (which is the analog of the usual factorial for prime numbers) is defined by p_n#=product_(k=1)^np_k. (1) The values of p_n# for ...
For some authors (e.g., Bourbaki, 1964), the same as principal ideal domain. Most authors, however, do not require the ring to be an integral domain, and define a principal ...
A quadratic form involving n real variables x_1, x_2, ..., x_n associated with the n×n matrix A=a_(ij) is given by Q(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=a_(ij)x_ix_j, (1) where Einstein ...
A tree having four branches at each node. Quadtrees are used in the construction of some multidimensional databases (e.g., cartography, computer graphics, and image ...
Let G be a finite, connected, undirected graph with graph diameter d(G) and graph distance d(u,v) between vertices u and v. A radio labeling of a graph G is labeling using ...
Ramanujan developed a number of interesting closed-form expressions for generalized continued fractions. These include the almost integers ...
Consider the Fibonacci-like recurrence a_n=+/-a_(n-1)+/-a_(n-2), (1) where a_0=0, a_1=1, and each sign is chosen independently and at random with probability 1/2. ...
A rational amicable pair consists of two integers a and b for which the divisor functions are equal and are of the form sigma(a)=sigma(b)=(P(a,b))/(Q(a,b))=R(a,b), (1) where ...
The field of all rational and irrational numbers is called the real numbers, or simply the "reals," and denoted R. The set of real numbers is also called the continuum, ...
To define a recurring digital invariant of order k, compute the sum of the kth powers of the digits of a number n. If this number n^' is equal to the original number n, then ...
