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3641 - 3650 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
A linear algebraic group is a matrix group that is also an affine variety. In particular, its elements satisfy polynomial equations. The group operations are required to be ...
A linear extension of a partially ordered set P is a permutation of the elements p_1, p_2, ... of P such that p_i<p_j implies i<j. For example, the linear extensions of the ...
A link invariant defined for a two-component oriented link as the sum of +1 crossings and -1 crossing over all crossings between the two links divided by 2. For components ...
The Littlewood conjecture states that for any two real numbers x,y in R, lim inf_(n->infty)n|nx-nint(nx)||ny-nint(ny)|=0 where nint(z) denotes the nearest integer function. ...
A lobster graph, lobster tree, or simply "lobster," is a tree having the property that the removal of leaf nodes leaves a caterpillar graph (Gallian 2007). The numbers of ...
A local ring is a ring R that contains a single maximal ideal. In this case, the Jacobson radical equals this maximal ideal. One property of a local ring R is that the subset ...
The logarithmic capacity of a compact set E in the complex plane is given by gamma(E)=e^(-V(E)), (1) where V(E)=inf_(nu)int_(E×E)ln1/(|u-v|)dnu(u)dnu(v), (2) and nu runs over ...
A finite sequence of real numbers {a_k}_(k=1)^n is said to be logarithmically concave (or log-concave) if a_i^2>=a_(i-1)a_(i+1) holds for every a_i with 1<=i<=n-1. A ...
Long division is an algorithm for dividing two numbers, obtaining the quotient one digit at a time. The example above shows how the division of 123456/17 is performed to ...
An infinite sequence of homomorphisms of modules or additive Abelian groups ...->C_(i+1)->^(d_(i+1))C_i->^(d_i)C_(i-1)->... (1) such that, for all indices i in Z, ...
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