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11821 - 11830 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
A Bland-Altman plot is a data plotting method which simultaneously presents data sets from two different tests in a way that allows for easier determination of whether the ...
A board is a subset of the polygons determined by a number of (usually regularly spaced and oriented) lines. These polygons form the spaces on which "pieces" can be placed ...
The Bonferroni correction is a multiple-comparison correction used when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously (since while a ...
A two-dimensional binary (k=2) totalistic cellular automaton with a von Neumann neighborhood of range r=1. It has a birth rule that at least 2 of its 4 neighbors are alive, ...
Borsuk conjectured that it is possible to cut an n-dimensional shape of generalized diameter 1 into n+1 pieces each with diameter smaller than the original. It is true for ...
A box-and-whisker plot (sometimes called simply a box plot) is a histogram-like method of displaying data, invented by J. Tukey. To create a box-and-whisker plot, draw a box ...
Take x itself to be a bracketing, then recursively define a bracketing as a sequence B=(B_1,...,B_k) where k>=2 and each B_i is a bracketing. A bracketing can be represented ...
A branch point of an analytic function is a point in the complex plane whose complex argument can be mapped from a single point in the domain to multiple points in the range. ...
Branch and bound algorithms are a variety of adaptive partition strategies have been proposed to solve global optimization models. These are based upon partition, sampling, ...
Given a general quadrilateral with sides of lengths a, b, c, and d, the area is given by K = 1/4sqrt(4p^2q^2-(b^2+d^2-a^2-c^2)^2) (1) = (2) (Coolidge 1939; Ivanov 1960; Beyer ...