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An attracting set that has zero measure in the embedding phase space and has fractal dimension. Trajectories within a strange attractor appear to skip around randomly. A ...
The nth-order Sierpiński tetrahedron graph is the connectivity graph of black triangles in the nth iteration of the tetrix fractal. The first three iterations are shown ...
The Sierpiński sieve is a fractal described by Sierpiński in 1915 and appearing in Italian art from the 13th century (Wolfram 2002, p. 43). It is also called the Sierpiński ...
Consider three mutually tangent circles, and draw their inner Soddy circle. Then draw the inner Soddy circles of this circle with each pair of the original three, and ...
The pentaflake is a fractal with 5-fold symmetry. As illustrated above, five pentagons can be arranged around an identical pentagon to form the first iteration of the ...
A root-finding algorithm based on the iteration formula x_(n+1)=x_n-(f(x_n))/(f^'(x_n)){1+(f(x_n)f^('')(x_n))/(2[f^'(x_n)]^2)}. This method, like Newton's method, has poor ...
There are several fractal curves associated with Sierpiński. The area for the first Sierpiński curve illustrated above (Sierpiński curve 1912) is A=1/3(7-4sqrt(2)). The curve ...
One of the set of symbols C_i, C_s, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4, C_5, C_6, C_7, C_8, C_(2h), C_(3h), C_(4h), C_(5h), C_(6h), C_(2v), C_(3v), C_(4v), C_(5v), C_(6v), C_(inftyv), D_2, ...
The n-cyclohedron, also known as the Bott-Taubes polytope, is defined as the compactification of the configuration space of n points on the circle. The cyclohedron can be ...
The permutohedron is the n-dimensional generalization of the hexagon. The n-permutohedron is the convex hull of all permutations of the vector (x_1,x_2,...,x_(n+1)) in ...
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