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1801 - 1810 of 13135 for floating point numberSearch Results
A system is singular if its condition number is infinite and ill-conditioned if it is too large.
The number 1. There are n nth roots of unity, known as the de Moivre numbers.
For any prime number p and any positive integer n, the p^n-rank r_(p^n)(G) of a finitely generated Abelian group G is the number of copies of the cyclic group Z_(p^n) ...
A curious approximation to the Feigenbaum constant delta is given by pi+tan^(-1)(e^pi)=4.669201932..., (1) where e^pi is Gelfond's constant, which is good to 6 digits to the ...
The hyperbolic secant is defined as sechz = 1/(coshz) (1) = 2/(e^z+e^(-z)), (2) where coshz is the hyperbolic cosine. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Sech[z]. On ...
Consider the sequence of partial sums defined by s_n=sum_(k=1)^n(-1)^kk^(1/k). (1) As can be seen in the plot above, the sequence has two limit points at -0.812140... and ...
The plastic constant P, sometimes also called le nombre radiant, the minimal Pisot number, plastic number, plastic ratio, platin number, Siegel's number, or silver number, is ...
A number which does not divide another exactly. For instance, 4 and 5 are aliquant divisors of 6. A number which is not an aliquant divisor (i.e., one that does divide ...
An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. ...
The Burnside problem originated with Burnside (1902), who wrote, "A still undecided point in the theory of discontinuous groups is whether the group order of a group may be ...
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