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A stochastic resonance is a phenomenon in which a nonlinear system is subjected to a periodic modulated signal so weak as to be normally undetectable, but it becomes ...
The base-2 transcendental number 0.11011011111011011111..._2 (1) (OEIS A014578), where the nth bit is 1 if n is not divisible by 3 and is the complement of the (n/3)th bit if ...
The validity of a logical argument refers to whether or not the conclusion follows logically from the premises, i.e., whether it is possible to deduce the conclusion from the ...
Catastrophe theory studies how the qualitative nature of equation solutions depends on the parameters that appear in the equations. Subspecializations include bifurcation ...
A class formed by sets in R^n which have essentially the same structure, regardless of size, shape and dimension. The "essential structure" is what a set keeps when it is ...
A state diagram is a labeled directed graph together with state information that can be used to indicate that certain paths on in a system may be traversed only in a certain ...
When discussing a rotation, there are two possible conventions: rotation of the axes, and rotation of the object relative to fixed axes. In R^2, consider the matrix that ...
Quantifier elimination is the removal of all quantifiers (the universal quantifier forall and existential quantifier exists ) from a quantified system. A first-order theory ...
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
Turmites, also called turning machines, are 2-dimensional Turing machines in which the "tape" consists of a grid of spaces that can be written and erased by an active ...
