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Quantifier elimination is the removal of all quantifiers (the universal quantifier forall and existential quantifier exists ) from a quantified system. A first-order theory ...
Quantile-quantile plots (also called q-q plots) are used to determine if two data sets come from populations with a common distribution. In such a plot, points are formed ...
The word quantile has no fewer than two distinct meanings in probability. Specific elements x in the range of a variate X are called quantiles, and denoted x (Evans et al. ...
Given a random variable X with continuous and strictly monotonic probability density function f(X), a quantile function Q_f assigns to each probability p attained by f the ...
Quantization is a nonlinear process which generates additional frequency components (Thompson et al. 1986). This means that the signal is no longer band-limited, so the ...
The study of the implications of chaos for a system in the semiclassical (i.e., between classical and quantum mechanical) regime. In quantum chaos, trajectories do not ...
Let B_t={B_t(omega)/omega in Omega}, t>=0, be one-dimensional Brownian motion. Integration with respect to B_t was defined by Itô (1951). A basic result of the theory is that ...
Finding the height above the bottom of a horizontal cylinder (such as a cylindrical gas tank) to which the it must be filled for it to be one quarter full amounts to plugging ...
The unit fraction 1/4, also called one-fourth. 1/4 is a rational number with terminating decimal expansion 0.25.
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