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An image of an object obtained by reflecting it in a mirror so that the signs of one of its coordinates are reversed.
Two objects form a mirror pair if one can be translated and rotated in such a way that the two objects together possess mirror symmetry, i.e., one is the mirror image of the ...
The symmetry operation (x,y,z)->(x,y,-z), etc., which is equivalent to 2^_, where the bar denotes an improper rotation.
Let V=R^k be a k-dimensional vector space over R, let S subset V, and let W={w in V:w·n^^=0} be a subspace of V of dimension k-1, where n^^ is a unit normal vector of W. Then ...
A version of nim-like games in which the player taking the last piece is the loser. For most impartial games, this form is much harder to analyze, but it requires only a ...
Three guests decide to stay the night at a lodge whose rate they are initially told is $30 per night. However, after the guests have each paid $10 and gone to their room, the ...
The statistical index P_M=(sump_nq_a)/(sump_0q_a), where p_n is the price per unit in period n and q_n is the quantity produced in period n.
A quartic surface named after its resemblance to the liturgical headdress worn by bishops and given by the equation 4x^2(x^2+y^2+z^2)-y^2(1-y^2-z^2)=0.
The Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler 1903, 1905) is an entire function defined by the series E_alpha(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^k)/(Gamma(alphak+1)) (1) for alpha>0. It is ...
Polynomials M_k(x) which form the associated Sheffer sequence for f(t)=(e^t-1)/(e^t+1) (1) and have the generating function sum_(k=0)^infty(M_k(x))/(k!)t^k=((1+t)/(1-t))^x. ...
