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Given any real number theta and any positive integer N, there exist integers h and k with 0<k<=N such that |ktheta-h|<1/N. A slightly weaker form of the theorem states that ...
An array of "trees" of unit height located at integer-coordinate points in a point lattice. When viewed from a corner along the line y=x in normal perspective, a quadrant of ...
A function is said to be modular (or "elliptic modular") if it satisfies: 1. f is meromorphic in the upper half-plane H, 2. f(Atau)=f(tau) for every matrix A in the modular ...
An integral transform which is often written as an ordinary Laplace transform involving the delta function. The Laplace transform and Dirichlet series are special cases of ...
P_n(cosalpha)=(sqrt(2))/piint_0^alpha(cos[(n+1/2)phi])/(sqrt(cosphi-cosalpha))dphi, where P_n(x) is a Legendre polynomial.
kappa(d)={(2lneta(d))/(sqrt(d)) for d>0; (2pi)/(w(d)sqrt(|d|)) for d<0, (1) where eta(d) is the fundamental unit and w(d) is the number of substitutions which leave the ...
A function tau(n) related to the divisor function sigma_k(n), also sometimes called Ramanujan's tau function. It is defined via the Fourier series of the modular discriminant ...
A special function mostly commonly denoted psi_n(z), psi^((n))(z), or F_n(z-1) which is given by the (n+1)st derivative of the logarithm of the gamma function Gamma(z) (or, ...
F(x,s) = sum_(m=1)^(infty)(e^(2piimx))/(m^s) (1) = psi_s(e^(2piix)), (2) where psi_s(x) is the polygamma function.
A number theoretic character, also called a Dirichlet character (because Dirichlet first introduced them in his famous proof that every arithmetic progression with relatively ...
