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2721 - 2730 of 3354 for dirichlet functionSearch Results

The Cramér conjecture is the unproven conjecture that lim sup_(n->infty)(p_(n+1)-p_n)/((lnp_n)^2)=1, where p_n is the nth prime.
A recursively enumerable set A is creative if its complement is productive. Creative sets are not recursive. The property of creativeness coincides with completeness. Namely, ...
The cubeplex graph is the cubic Hamiltonian graph on 12 nodes illustrated above in several embeddings and corresponding to the graph Gamma_1 in Fischer and Little (2001). It ...
Let j_k(alpha) denote the number of cycles of length k for a permutation alpha expressed as a product of disjoint cycles. The cycle index Z(X) of a permutation group X of ...
The polar curve r=1+2cos(2theta) (1) that can be used for angle trisection. It was devised by Ceva in 1699, who termed it the cycloidum anomalarum (Loomis 1968, p. 29). It ...
Consider two cylinders as illustrated above (Hubbell 1965) where the cylinders have radii r_1 and r_2 with r_1<=r_2, the larger cylinder is oriented along the z-axis, and ...
The Danzer configuration is a 35_4 self-dual configuration of 35 lines and 35 points in which 4 points lie on each line and 4 lines pass through each point. The Levi graph of ...
A Dedekind ring is a commutative ring in which the following hold. 1. It is a Noetherian ring and a integral domain. 2. It is the set of algebraic integers in its field of ...
The determination of the number of monotone Boolean functions of n variables (equivalent to the number of antichains on the n-set {1,2,...,n}) is called Dedekind's problem, ...
A search algorithm of a tree that explores the first child of a node before visiting its siblings. Tarjan (1972) and Hopcroft and Tarjan (1973) showed that depth-first search ...
