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In plane geometry, a chord is the line segment joining two points on a curve. The term is often used to describe a line segment whose ends lie on a circle. The term is also ...
The constant a_(-1) in the Laurent series f(z)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftya_n(z-z_0)^n (1) of f(z) about a point z_0 is called the residue of f(z). If f is analytic at z_0, its ...
Covariance provides a measure of the strength of the correlation between two or more sets of random variates. The covariance for two random variates X and Y, each with sample ...
If S_1, S_2, and S_3 are three conics having the property that there is a point X, not on any of the conics, lying on a common chord of each pair of the three conics (with ...
A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix A=(a_(ij)) such that a_(ij)>=0 and sum_(i)a_(ij)=sum_(j)a_(ij)=1 is some field for all i and j. In other words, both the matrix itself ...
A Hilbert space is a vector space H with an inner product <f,g> such that the norm defined by |f|=sqrt(<f,f>) turns H into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by ...
Let a convex cyclic polygon be triangulated in any manner, and draw the incircle to each triangle so constructed. Then the sum of the inradii is a constant independent of the ...
A maximal clique is a clique that cannot be extended by including one more adjacent vertex, meaning it is not a subset of a larger clique. A maximum clique (i.e., clique of ...
A maximal independent vertex set of a graph is an independent vertex set that cannot be expanded to another independent vertex set by addition of any vertex in the graph. A ...
An independent vertex set of a graph G is a subset of the vertices such that no two vertices in the subset represent an edge of G. Given a vertex cover of a graph, all ...
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