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The eight Gell-Mann matrices lambda_i, i=1,...,8, are an example of the set of generators of the Lie algebra associated to the special unitary group SU(3). Explicitly, these ...
A generalized Fourier series is a series expansion of a function based on the special properties of a complete orthogonal system of functions. The prototypical example of ...
A generalized Moore graph is a regular graph of degree r where the counts of vertices at each distance d=0, 1, ... from any vertex are 1, r, r(r-1), r(r-1)^2, r(r-1)^3, ..., ...
Let O be an incidence geometry, i.e., a set with a symmetric, reflexive binary relation I. Let e and f be elements of O. Let an incidence plane be an incidence geometry whose ...
Given a compact manifold M and a transversely orientable codimension-one foliation F on M which is tangent to partialM, the pair (M,F) is called a generalized Reeb component ...
Ore (1962) noted that not only does a tree possesses a unique shortest path between any two vertices, but that there also exist also other connected graphs having the same ...
The geometric mean of a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^n is defined by G(a_1,...,a_n)=(product_(i=1)^na_i)^(1/n). (1) Thus, G(a_1,a_2) = sqrt(a_1a_2) (2) G(a_1,a_2,a_3) = ...
A geometric series sum_(k)a_k is a series for which the ratio of each two consecutive terms a_(k+1)/a_k is a constant function of the summation index k. The more general case ...
There are no fewer than two closely related but somewhat different notions of gerbe in mathematics. For a fixed topological space X, a gerbe on X can refer to a stack of ...
The Gergonne line is Oldknow's (1996) term for the perspectrix of a contact triangle DeltaDEF and its reference triangle DeltaABC. It is determined by the Nobbs points D^', ...
