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11031 - 11040 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
Prince Rupert's cube is the largest cube that can be made to pass through a given cube. In other words, the cube having a side length equal to the side length of the largest ...
The maximum and minimum of the normal curvature kappa_1 and kappa_2 at a given point on a surface are called the principal curvatures. The principal curvatures measure the ...
A curve alpha on a regular surface M is a principal curve iff the velocity alpha^' always points in a principal direction, i.e., S(alpha^')=kappa_ialpha^', where S is the ...
A general quintic equation a_5x^5+a_4x^4+a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0 (1) can be reduced to one of the form y^5+b_2y^2+b_1y+b_0=0, (2) called the principal quintic form. Vieta's ...
Almost all processes that are not obviously simple can be viewed as computations of equivalent sophistication (Wolfram 2002, pp. 5 and 716-717). More specifically, the ...
A principle that was first enunciated by Jakob Bernoulli which states that if we are ignorant of the ways an event can occur (and therefore have no reason to believe that one ...
The truth of an infinite sequence of propositions P_i for i=1, ..., infty is established if (1) P_1 is true, and (2) P_k implies P_(k+1) for all k. This principle is ...
A polyhedron having two polygons in parallel planes as bases and triangular or trapezoidal lateral faces with one side lying in one base and the opposite polyhedron vertex or ...
Given an event E in a sample space S which is either finite with N elements or countably infinite with N=infty elements, then we can write S=( union _(i=1)^NE_i), and a ...
The probability Q_delta that a random sample from an infinite normally distributed universe will have a mean m within a distance |delta| of the mean mu of the universe is ...
