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There are at least two distinct notions of linear space throughout mathematics. The term linear space is most commonly used within functional analysis as a synonym of the ...
The n functions f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x) are linearly dependent if, for some c_1, c_2, ..., c_n in R not all zero, sum_(i=1)^nc_if_i(x)=0 (1) for all x in some interval I. ...
n vectors X_1, X_2, ..., X_n are linearly dependent iff there exist scalars c_1, c_2, ..., c_n, not all zero, such that sum_(i=1)^nc_iX_i=0. (1) If no such scalars exist, ...
Linkages are linked (or constrained) mechanical structures such as those used in robots, excavators, engines, etc. They are also extensively used for character animation in ...
A linklessly embeddable graph is a graph having the property that there exists an embedding in three dimensions that does not contain a nontrivial link. A graph is linklessly ...
A lion and a man in a closed arena have equal maximum speeds. What tactics should the lion employ to be sure of his meal? This problem was stated by Rado in 1925 (Littlewood ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+g(y)y^('2)+f(x)y^'=0 (1) is called Liouville's equation (Goldstein and Braun 1973; Zwillinger 1997, p. 124), as are the ...
States that for a nondissipative Hamiltonian system, phase space density (the area between phase space contours) is constant. This requires that, given a small time increment ...
The symbol o(x), pronounced "little-O of x," is one of the Landau symbols and is used to symbolically express the asymptotic behavior of a given function. In particular, if n ...
The lituus is an Archimedean spiral with n=-2, having polar equation r^2theta=a^2. (1) Lituus means a "crook," in the sense of a bishop's crosier. The lituus curve originated ...
