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Let a, b, and c be the side lengths of a reference triangle DeltaABC. Now let A_b be a point on the extension of the segment CA beyond A such that AA_b=a. Similarly, define ...
Consider Kimberling centers X_(20) (de Longchamps point Z; intersection L_S intersection L_E of the Soddy line and Euler line), X_(468) (intersection L_E intersection L_O of ...
The common incircle of the medial triangle DeltaM_AM_BM_C (left figure) and the congruent triangle DeltaQ_AQ_BQ_C, where Q_i are the midpoints of the line segment joining the ...
The Stammler circle is the circumcircle of the Stammler triangle. Unexpectedly, it has center at the circumcenter O (X_3) of the reference triangle and radius 2R (Ehrmann and ...
The tangential circle of a reference triangle is the circumcircle of the tangential triangle. Its center is Kimberling center X_(26), which has center function ...
There are four completely different definitions of the so-called Apollonius circles: 1. The set of all points whose distances from two fixed points are in a constant ratio ...
A circle having a given number of lattice points on its circumference. The Schinzel circle having n lattice points is given by the equation {(x-1/2)^2+y^2=1/45^(k-1) for n=2k ...
An Archimedean circle is a circle defined in the arbelos in a natural way and congruent to Archimedes' circles, i.e., having radius rho=1/2r(1-r) for an arbelos with outer ...
Consider a unit circle and a radiant point located at (mu,0). There are four different regimes of caustics, illustrated above. For radiant point at mu=infty, the catacaustic ...
The evolute of a circle is a degenerate point at the origin.
