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A tripod is a tree having exactly three tree leaves (Pirnazar and Ullman 2002). The numbers of tripods on n=1, 2, ... vertices are 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, ...
A uniquely Hamiltonian graph is a graph possessing a single Hamiltonian cycle. Classes of uniquely Hamiltonian graphs include the cycle graphs C_n, Hanoi graphs H_n, ladder ...
A totally ordered set (A,<=) is said to be well ordered (or have a well-founded order) iff every nonempty subset of A has a least element (Ciesielski 1997, p. 38; Moore 1982, ...
Given two additive groups (or rings, or modules, or vector spaces) A and B, the map f:A-->B such that f(a)=0 for all a in A is called the zero map. It is a homomorphism in ...
When p is a prime number, then a p-group is a group, all of whose elements have order some power of p. For a finite group, the equivalent definition is that the number of ...
Let v be a n-vector whose entries are each 1 (with probability p) or 0 (with probability q=1-p). An s-run is an isolated group of s consecutive 1s. Ignoring the boundaries, ...
A number of interesting graphs are associated with the work of van Cleemput and Zamfirescu (2018). Two 13- and 15-node graphs, denoted alpha and beta respectively, were used ...
The Van Lint-Schrijver Graph graph is a weakly regular Hamiltonian graph on 162 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(162,(6),(0),(0,1)). It is distance-regular with ...
The 13 Archimedean dual graphs are the skeletons of the Archimedean dual solids, illustrated above. Since they are polyhedral graphs, they are also planar. However, none of ...
Barnette's conjecture asserts that every 3-connected bipartite cubic planar graph is Hamiltonian. The only graph on nine or fewer vertices satisfying Barnette's conditions is ...
