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Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature, also called Chebyshev quadrature, is a Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with weighting function W(x)=(1-x^2)^(-1/2) (Abramowitz and ...
(1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-x(dy)/(dx)+alpha^2y=0 (1) for |x|<1. The Chebyshev differential equation has regular singular points at -1, 1, and infty. It can be solved by series ...
An algebraic surface with affine equation P_d(x_1,x_2)+T_d(x_3)=0, (1) where T_d(x) is a Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind and P_d(x_1,x_2) is a polynomial defined by ...
The Chu-Vandermonde identity _2F_1(-n,b;c;1)=((c-b)_n)/((c)_n) (1) (for n in Z^+) is a special case of Gauss's hypergeometric theorem _2F_1(a,b;c;1) = ((c-b)_(-a))/((c)_(-a)) ...
The points of tangency t_1 and t_2 for the four lines tangent to two circles with centers x_1 and x_2 and radii r_1 and r_2 are given by solving the simultaneous equations ...
A problem sometimes known as Moser's circle problem asks to determine the number of pieces into which a circle is divided if n points on its circumference are joined by ...
Determining the maximum number of pieces in which it is possible to divide a circle for a given number of cuts is called the circle cutting or pancake cutting problem. The ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
A uniform distribution of points on the circumference of a circle can be obtained by picking a random real number between 0 and 2pi. Picking random points on a circle is ...
An n×n matrix whose rows are composed of cyclically shifted versions of a length-n list l. For example, the 4×4 circulant matrix on the list l={1,2,3,4} is given by C=[4 1 2 ...
