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The cubic Archimedean graph on 60 nodes and 90 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated dodecahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The truncated octahedral graph is the cubic Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated octahedron. It is isomorphic to the Bruhat graph ...
The Watkins snark is the snark on 50 vertices ad 75 nodes illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["WatkinsSnark"].
The Wong graph is one of the four (5,5)-cage graphs. Like the other (5,5)-cages, the Wong graph has 30 nodes. It has 75 edges, girth 5, diameter 3, chromatic number 4, and is ...
A clique of a graph G is a complete subgraph of G, and the clique of largest possible size is referred to as a maximum clique (which has size known as the (upper) clique ...
A biconnected graph is a connected graph having no articulation vertices (Skiena 1990, p. 175). An equivalent definition for graphs on more than two vertices is a graph G ...
Bonato et al. (2014, 2015) defined the burning number of a simple graph as follows. Consider a process called burning involving are discrete time steps. Each node is either ...
Let P(G) denote the chromatic polynomial of a finite simple graph G. Then G is said to be chromatically unique if P(G)=P(H) implies that G and H are isomorphic graphs, in ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
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