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The Gregory series is a pi formula found by Gregory and Leibniz and obtained by plugging x=1 into the Leibniz series, pi/4=sum_(k=1)^infty((-1)^(k+1))/(2k-1)=1-1/3+1/5-... ...
Define the sequence a_0=1, a_1=x, and a_n=(a_(n-2))/(1+a_(n-1)) (1) for n>=0. The first few values are a_2 = 1/(1+x) (2) a_3 = (x(1+x))/(2+x) (3) a_4 = ...
The Gudermannian function is the odd function denoted either gamma(x) or gd(x) which arises in the inverse equations for the Mercator projection. phi(y)=gd(y) expresses the ...
Given two randomly chosen n×n integer matrices, what is the probability D(n) that the corresponding determinants are relatively prime? Hafner et al. (1993) showed that ...
A Hamiltonian cycle, also called a Hamiltonian circuit, Hamilton cycle, or Hamilton circuit, is a graph cycle (i.e., closed loop) through a graph that visits each node ...
A Hamiltonian walk on a connected graph is a closed walk of minimal length which visits every vertex of a graph (and may visit vertices and edges multiple times). For ...
Consider an n×n (0, 1)-matrix such as [a_(11) a_(23) ; a_(22) a_(34); a_(21) a_(33) ; a_(32) a_(44); a_(31) a_(43) ; a_(42) a_(54); a_(41) a_(53) ; a_(52) a_(64)] (1) for ...
The first Hardy-Littlewood conjecture is called the k-tuple conjecture. It states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. A particular ...
Any real function u(x,y) with continuous second partial derivatives which satisfies Laplace's equation, del ^2u(x,y)=0, (1) is called a harmonic function. Harmonic functions ...
The harmonic mean H(x_1,...,x_n) of n numbers x_i (where i=1, ..., n) is the number H defined by 1/H=1/nsum_(i=1)^n1/(x_i). (1) The harmonic mean of a list of numbers may be ...
