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The term Euclidean refers to everything that can historically or logically be referred to Euclid's monumental treatise The Thirteen Books of the Elements, written around the ...
The Euclidean algorithm, also called Euclid's algorithm, is an algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers a and b. The algorithm can also be defined for ...
A more common way to describe a Euclidean ring.
A geometry in which Euclid's fifth postulate holds, sometimes also called parabolic geometry. Two-dimensional Euclidean geometry is called plane geometry, and ...
A weighted graph in which the weights are equal to the Euclidean lengths of the edges in a specified embedding (Skiena 1990, pp. 201 and 252).
The group of rotations and translations.
The Euclidean metric is the function d:R^n×R^n->R that assigns to any two vectors in Euclidean n-space x=(x_1,...,x_n) and y=(y_1,...,y_n) the number ...
A Euclidean motion of R^n is an affine transformation whose linear part is an orthogonal transformation.
A Euclidean number is a number which can be obtained by repeatedly solving the quadratic equation. Euclidean numbers, together with the rational numbers, can be constructed ...
The two-dimensional Euclidean space denoted R^2.
