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The signed Stirling numbers of the first kind are variously denoted s(n,m) (Riordan 1980, Roman 1984), S_n^((m)) (Fort 1948, Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), S_n^m (Jordan 1950). ...
The number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into m nonempty sets (i.e., m set blocks), also called a Stirling set number. For example, the set {1,2,3} can be ...
A k-regular simple graph G on nu nodes is strongly k-regular if there exist positive integers k, lambda, and mu such that every vertex has k neighbors (i.e., the graph is a ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of graph vertices is connected by an edge. The complete graph with n graph vertices is denoted K_n and has (n; 2)=n(n-1)/2 (the ...
Goldbach's original conjecture (sometimes called the "ternary" Goldbach conjecture), written in a June 7, 1742 letter to Euler, states "at least it seems that every number ...
The n-hypercube graph, also called the n-cube graph and commonly denoted Q_n or 2^n, is the graph whose vertices are the 2^k symbols epsilon_1, ..., epsilon_n where ...
The (lower) domination number gamma(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a dominating set of vertices in G, i.e., the size of a minimum dominating set. This is equivalent ...
Replacing the logistic equation (dx)/(dt)=rx(1-x) (1) with the quadratic recurrence equation x_(n+1)=rx_n(1-x_n), (2) where r (sometimes also denoted mu) is a positive ...
