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451 - 460 of 1908 for Vector Space SpanSearch Results

The space of immersions of a manifold in another manifold is homotopically equivalent to the space of bundle injections from the tangent space of the first to the tangent ...
The zero section of a vector bundle is the submanifold of the bundle that consists of all the zero vectors.
The Euclidean metric is the function d:R^n×R^n->R that assigns to any two vectors in Euclidean n-space x=(x_1,...,x_n) and y=(y_1,...,y_n) the number ...
Given a subspace A of a space X and a map from A to a space Y, is it possible to extend that map to a map from X to Y?
A triple of three arbitrary vectors with common vertex (Altshiller-Court 1979), often called a trihedral angle since it determines three planes. The vectors are often taken ...
The notion of parallel transport on a manifold M makes precise the idea of translating a vector field V along a differentiable curve to attain a new vector field V^' which is ...
Roughly speaking, the metric tensor g_(ij) is a function which tells how to compute the distance between any two points in a given space. Its components can be viewed as ...
The set C_(n,m,d) of all m-D varieties of degree d in an n-dimensional projective space P^n into an M-D projective space P^M.
Given two additive groups (or rings, or modules, or vector spaces) A and B, the map f:A-->B such that f(a)=0 for all a in A is called the zero map. It is a homomorphism in ...
Given a real m×n matrix A, there are four associated vector subspaces which are known colloquially as its fundamental subspaces, namely the column spaces and the null spaces ...
