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111 - 120 of 1064 for Variability, standard deviation, and ran...Search Results
In the IEEE 754-2008 standard (referred to as IEEE 754 henceforth), a signaling NaN or sNaN is a NaN which is signaling in the sense of being most commonly returned in ...
Let phi_0 be the latitude for the origin of the Cartesian coordinates and lambda_0 its longitude, and let phi_1 and phi_2 be the standard parallels. Then for a unit sphere, ...
Gomoku, also called go-moku (Japanese for "five points") is a tic-tac-toe-like game in which two players alternately place pieces, with each player using pieces of a fixed ...
The limaçon trisectrix is a trisectrix that is a special case of the rose curve with n=1/3 (possibly with translation, rotation, and scaling). It was studied by Archimedes, ...
One of the three standard tori given by the parametric equations x = (c+acosv)cosu (1) y = (c+acosv)sinu (2) z = asinv (3) with c>a. This is the torus which is generally ...
One of the three standard tori given by the parametric equations x = (c+acosv)cosu (1) y = (c+acosv)sinu (2) z = asinv (3) with c<a. The exterior surface is called an apple ...
An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction p/q for any integers p and q. Irrational numbers have decimal expansions that neither terminate nor ...
V=100(Q_3-Q_1)/(Q_3+Q_1), where Q_1 and Q_3 are the first and third quartiles and Q_3-Q_1 is the interquartile range.
Given a curved regression, the correlation index is defined by r_c=(s_(yy^^))/(s_ys_(y^^)), (1) where s_y and s_(y^^) are the standard deviations of the data points y and the ...
If x_1/n_1 and x_2/n_2 are the observed proportions from standard normally distributed samples with proportion of success theta, then the probability that ...
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