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Define the minimal bounding rectangle as the smallest rectangle containing a given lattice polygon. If the perimeter of the lattice polygon is equal to that of its minimal ...
Analytic representations the symmetric triangle wave with period 2 and varying between -1 and 1 include f(x) = 2/pisin^(-1)[sin(pix)] (1) = 1-2|1-[2(1/2x+1/4 (mod 1))]| (2) = ...
Calculus II
There are essentially three types of Fisher-Tippett extreme value distributions. The most common is the type I distribution, which are sometimes referred to as Gumbel types ...
The mean deviation (also called the mean absolute deviation) is the mean of the absolute deviations of a set of data about the data's mean. For a sample size N, the mean ...
The transformation of a sequence a_1, a_2, ... with a_n=sum_(d|n)b_d (1) into the sequence b_1, b_2, ... via the Möbius inversion formula, b_n=sum_(d|n)mu(n/d)a_d. (2) The ...
The plastic constant P, sometimes also called le nombre radiant, the minimal Pisot number, plastic number, plastic ratio, platin number, Siegel's number, or silver number, is ...
The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
A double sum is a series having terms depending on two indices, sum_(i,j)b_(ij). (1) A finite double series can be written as a product of series ...
Probability is the branch of mathematics that studies the possible outcomes of given events together with the outcomes' relative likelihoods and distributions. In common ...
