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Parametric equations are a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as "parameters." For example, ...
The projective plane crossing number of a graph is the minimal number of crossings with which the graph can be drawn on the real projective plane. A graph with projective ...
Let M be a regular surface with v_(p),w_(p) points in the tangent space M_(p) of M. For M in R^3, the second fundamental form is the symmetric bilinear form on the tangent ...
The equation of the curve of intersection of a torus with a plane perpendicular to both the midplane of the torus and to the plane x=0. (The general intersection of a torus ...
One of the three classes of tori illustrated above and given by the parametric equations x = (c+acosv)cosu (1) y = (c+acosv)sinu (2) z = asinv. (3) The three different ...
A tesseral harmonic is a spherical harmonic of the form cos; sin(mphi)P_l^m(costheta). These harmonics are so named because the curves on which they vanish are l-m parallels ...
An equilibrium minimal surface for a crystal or drop which has the least anisotropic surface free energy for a given volume. It is the anisotropic analog of a sphere. In the ...
Calculus II
Combinatorial topology is a subset of algebraic topology that uses combinatorial methods. For example, simplicial homology is a combinatorial construction in algebraic ...
When f:A->B is a ring homomorphism and b is an ideal in B, then f^(-1)(b) is an ideal in A, called the contraction of b and sometimes denoted b^c. The contraction of a prime ...
