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3461 - 3470 of 13135 for Square Triangular NumberSearch Results

Angle trisection is the division of an arbitrary angle into three equal angles. It was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity for which solutions using only compass ...
A complete bipartite graph, sometimes also called a complete bicolored graph (Erdős et al. 1965) or complete bigraph, is a bipartite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices ...
Hex is a two-player game invented by Piet Hein in 1942 while a student at Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics, and subsequently and independently by John Nash in ...
The great rhombicuboctahedron (Cundy and Rowlett 1989, p. 106) is the 26-faced Archimedean solid consisting of faces 12{4}+8{6}+6{8}. It is sometimes called the ...
Starting with the circle P_1 tangent to the three semicircles forming the arbelos, construct a chain of tangent circles P_i, all tangent to one of the two small interior ...
The study of angles and of the angular relationships of planar and three-dimensional figures is known as trigonometry. The trigonometric functions (also called the circular ...
An Egyptian fraction is a sum of positive (usually) distinct unit fractions. The famous Rhind papyrus, dated to around 1650 BC contains a table of representations of 2/n as ...
The arithmetic mean of a set of values is the quantity commonly called "the" mean or the average. Given a set of samples {x_i}, the arithmetic mean is x^_=1/Nsum_(i=1)^Nx_i. ...
The bipartite double graph, also called the Kronecker cover, Kronecker double cover, bipartite double cover, canonical double cover, or bipartite double, of a given graph G ...
The bivariate normal distribution is the statistical distribution with probability density function P(x_1,x_2)=1/(2pisigma_1sigma_2sqrt(1-rho^2))exp[-z/(2(1-rho^2))], (1) ...
