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251 - 260 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results

An integral graph, not to be confused with an integral embedding of a graph, is defined as a graph whose graph spectrum consists entirely of integers. The notion was first ...
The diminished rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(76). This solid is the diminished polyhedron obtained by diminishing a small ...
Direct search factorization is the simplest (and most simple-minded) prime factorization algorithm. It consists of searching for factors of a number by systematically ...
A point where a stable and an unstable separatrix (invariant manifold) from the same fixed point or same family intersect. Therefore, the limits lim_(k->infty)f^k(X) and ...
A prime factorization algorithm which can be implemented in a single-step or double-step form. In the single-step version, a prime factor p of a number n can be found if p-1 ...
Heule graphs are a set of unit-distance graphs with chromatic number five derived by Marijn Heule in April 2018 to July 2918 from the 1581-vertex de Grey Graph (Heule 2018). ...
Draw the perpendicular line from the intersection of the two small semicircles in the arbelos. The two circles C_1 and C_2 tangent to this line, the large semicircle, and ...
Given a real number x, find the powers of a base b that will shift the digits of x a number of places n to the left. This is equivalent to solving b^x=b^nx (1) or x=n+log_bx. ...
Let B, A, and e be square matrices with e small, and define B=A(I+e), (1) where I is the identity matrix. Then the inverse of B is approximately B^(-1)=(I-e)A^(-1). (2) This ...
The trace of a second-tensor rank tensor T is a scalar given by the contracted mixed tensor equal to T_i^i. The trace satisfies ...
