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421 - 430 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results

The Radon inverse transform is an integral transform that has found widespread application in the reconstruction of images from medical CT scans. The Radon and inverse Radon ...
Denoted zn(u,k) or Z(u). Z(phi|m)=E(phi|m)-(E(m)F(phi|m))/(K(m)), where phi is the Jacobi amplitude, m is the parameter, and F(phi|m) and K(m) are elliptic integrals of the ...
The Lorentzian function is the singly peaked function given by L(x)=1/pi(1/2Gamma)/((x-x_0)^2+(1/2Gamma)^2), (1) where x_0 is the center and Gamma is a parameter specifying ...
The integral kernel in the Poisson integral, given by K(psi)=1/(2pi)(1-|z_0|^2)/(|z_0-e^(ipsi)|^2) (1) for the open unit disk D(0,1). Writing z_0=re^(itheta) and taking ...
A polar representation of a complex measure mu is analogous to the polar representation of a complex number as z=re^(itheta), where r=|z|, dmu=e^(itheta)d|mu|. (1) The analog ...
Let the two-dimensional cylinder function be defined by f(x,y)={1 for r<R; 0 for r>R. (1) Then the Radon transform is given by ...
If f(omega) is square integrable over the real omega-axis, then any one of the following implies the other two: 1. The Fourier transform F(t)=F_omega[f(omega)](t) is 0 for ...
A volume element is the differential element dV whose volume integral over some range in a given coordinate system gives the volume of a solid, V=intintint_(G)dxdydz. (1) In ...
The Van Lint-Schrijver Graph graph is a weakly regular Hamiltonian graph on 162 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(162,(6),(0),(0,1)). It is distance-regular with ...
The beta function B(p,q) is the name used by Legendre and Whittaker and Watson (1990) for the beta integral (also called the Eulerian integral of the first kind). It is ...
