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281 - 290 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results
In general, the internal similitude center of two circles C_1=C(x_1,r_1) and C_2=C(x_2,r_2) with centers given in Cartesian coordinates is given by ...
Given a function f(x), its inverse f^(-1)(x) is defined by f(f^(-1)(x))=f^(-1)(f(x))=x. (1) Therefore, f(x) and f^(-1)(x) are reflections about the line y=x. In the Wolfram ...
In spherical coordinates, the scale factors are h_r=1, h_theta=rsinphi, h_phi=r, and the separation functions are f_1(r)=r^2, f_2(theta)=1, f_3(phi)=sinphi, giving a Stäckel ...
Let a, b, and c be the lengths of the legs of a triangle opposite angles A, B, and C. Then the law of cosines states a^2 = b^2+c^2-2bccosA (1) b^2 = a^2+c^2-2accosB (2) c^2 = ...
A stable isolated (i.e., solitary) traveling nonlinear wave solution to a set of equations that obeys a superposition-like principle (i.e., solitons passing through one ...
Underdamped simple harmonic motion is a special case of damped simple harmonic motion x^..+betax^.+omega_0^2x=0 (1) in which beta^2-4omega_0^2<0. (2) Since we have ...
Given a circle expressed in trilinear coordinates by a central circle is a circle such that l:m:n is a triangle center and k is a homogeneous function that is symmetric in ...
Calculus I
A path in the complex plane over which contour integration is performed to compute a contour integral. When choosing a contour to evaluate an integral on the real line, a ...
The study of an extension of derivatives and integrals to noninteger orders. Fractional calculus is based on the definition of the fractional integral as ...
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