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251 - 260 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results
Let a, b, and c be the lengths of the legs of a triangle opposite angles A, B, and C. Then the law of sines states that a/(sinA)=b/(sinB)=c/(sinC)=2R, (1) where R is the ...
A polar zonohedron is a convex zonohedron derived from the star which joins opposite vertices of any right n-gonal prism (for n even) or antiprism (for n odd). The faces of ...
For a set of n numbers or values of a discrete distribution x_i, ..., x_n, the root-mean-square (abbreviated "RMS" and sometimes called the quadratic mean), is the square ...
A solution to the spherical Bessel differential equation. The two types of solutions are denoted j_n(x) (spherical Bessel function of the first kind) or n_n(x) (spherical ...
The d-analog of a complex number s is defined as [s]_d=1-(2^d)/(s^d) (1) (Flajolet et al. 1995). For integer n, [2]!=1 and [n]_d! = [3][4]...[n] (2) = ...
The q-analog of the factorial (by analogy with the q-gamma function). For k an integer, the q-factorial is defined by [k]_q! = faq(k,q) (1) = ...
The application of an apodization function.
The operator B^~ defined by B^~f(z)=int_D((1-|z|^2)^2)/(|1-zw^_|^4)f(w)dA(w) for z in D, where D is the unit open disk and w^_ is the complex conjugate (Hedenmalm et al. ...
A two-sided (doubly infinite) Laplace transform, L_t[f(t)](s)=int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)e^(-st)dt. While some authors use this as the primary definition of "the" Laplace ...
f(x)=C_psiint_(-infty)^inftyint_(-infty)^infty<f,psi^(a,b)>psi^(a,b)(x)a^(-2)dadb, where psi^(a,b)(x)=|a|^(-1/2)psi((x-b)/a). This result was originally derived using ...
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