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8351 - 8360 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
A two-dimensional generalization of the Haar transform which is used for the compression of astronomical images. The algorithm consists of dividing the 2^N×2^N image into ...
An algorithm for finding integer relations whose running time is bounded by a polynomial in the number of real variables (Ferguson and Bailey 1992). Unfortunately, it is ...
A set of vectors in Euclidean n-space is said to satisfy the Haar condition if every set of n vectors is linearly independent (Cheney 1999). Expressed otherwise, each ...
Define psi(x)={1 0<=x<1/2; -1 1/2<x<=1; 0 otherwise (1) and psi_(jk)(x)=psi(2^jx-k) (2) for j a nonnegative integer and 0<=k<=2^j-1. So, for example, the first few values of ...
Any locally compact Hausdorff topological group has a unique (up to scalars) nonzero left invariant measure which is finite on compact sets. If the group is Abelian or ...
With three cuts, dissect an equilateral triangle into a square. The problem was first proposed by Dudeney in 1902, and subsequently discussed in Dudeney (1958), and Gardner ...
Hackenbush is a game in combinatorial game theory in which player Left can delete any bLue edge, player Right can delete any Red edge, and either player can delete Green ...
Let f be an entire function of finite order lambda and {a_j} the zeros of f, listed with multiplicity, then the rank p of f is defined as the least positive integer such that ...
The Hadamard product is a representation for the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) as a product over its nontrivial zeros rho, ...
The Hadwiger conjecture is a generalization of the four-color theorem which states that for any loopless graph G with h(G) the Hadwiger number and chi(G) the chromatic ...
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