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The snub dodecahedral graph is a quintic graph on 60 nodes and 150 edges that corresponds to the skeleton of the snub dodecahedron, great inverted snub icosidodecahedron, ...
The Szekeres snark was the fifth snark discovered, illustrated above. It has 50 vertices and edge chromatic number 4.
The triakis icosahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the triakis icosahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
There are a number of graphs associated with T. I. (and C. T.) Zamfirescu. The Zamfirescu graphs on 36 and 75 vertices, the former of which is a snark, appear in Zamfirescu ...
In graph theory, a cycle graph C_n, sometimes simply known as an n-cycle (Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248), is a graph on n nodes containing a single cycle through all ...
The path graph P_n is a tree with two nodes of vertex degree 1, and the other n-2 nodes of vertex degree 2. A path graph is therefore a graph that can be drawn so that all of ...
An (n,k)-banana tree, as defined by Chen et al. (1997), is a graph obtained by connecting one leaf of each of n copies of an k-star graph with a single root vertex that is ...
The first (called the "Blanuša double" by Orbanić et al. 2004) and second (called the "Blanuša snark" by Orbanić et al. 2004) Blanuša snarks were the second and third snarks ...
The Klein graph is a weakly regular graph that is the dual graph of the cubic symmetric graph F_(056)B. The Klein graph is illustrated above in four order-4 LCF notations. ...
The Schläfli graph is a strongly regular graph on 27 nodes which is the graph complement of the generalized quadrangle GQ(2,4). It is the unique strongly regular graph with ...
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