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12461 - 12470 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results

Stratton (1935), Chu and Stratton (1941), and Rhodes (1970) define the spheroidal functions as those solutions of the differential equation (1) that remain finite at the ...
The common incircle of the medial triangle DeltaM_AM_BM_C (left figure) and the congruent triangle DeltaQ_AQ_BQ_C, where Q_i are the midpoints of the line segment joining the ...
"Spikey" is the logo of Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. In its original (Version 1) form, it is an augmented icosahedron with an ...
Find the minimum size square capable of bounding n equal squares arranged in any configuration. The first few cases are illustrated above (Friedman). The only packings which ...
Picking two independent sets of points x and y from a unit uniform distribution and placing them at coordinates (x,y) gives points uniformly distributed over the unit square. ...
A real polynomial P is said to be stable if all its roots lie in the left half-plane. The term "stable" is used to describe such a polynomial because, in the theory of linear ...
The number of cells in a generalized Chinese checkers board (or "centered" hexagram). Unlike the polygonal numbers, there is ambiguity in the case of the star numbers as to ...
A star polygon {p/q}, with p,q positive integers, is a figure formed by connecting with straight lines every qth point out of p regularly spaced points lying on a ...
A homework problem proposed in Steffi's math class in January 2003 asked students to prove that no ratio of two unequal numbers obtained by permuting all the digits 1, 2, ...
Given two circles with one interior to the other, if small tangent circles can be inscribed around the region between the two circles such that the final circle is tangent to ...
