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671 - 680 of 2058 for Sierpinski Sieve GraphSearch Results
The number of outward directed graph edges from a given graph vertex in a directed graph.
The shortest path-spanning tree from a graph vertex of a graph.
A generalized hexagon is a generalized polygon of order 6. GH(1,2) is more commonly known as the Heawood graph, but is also the (3,6)-cage graph, the cubic vertex-transitive ...
A tree G^' whose graph vertices and graph edges form subsets of the graph vertices and graph edges of a given tree G.
A graph vertex in a graph is said to be an odd node if its vertex degree is odd.
Rule 90 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
An integral embedding of a graph, not to be confused with an integral graph, is a graph drawn such that vertices are distinct points and all graph edges have integer lengths. ...
A point v is a central point of a graph if the eccentricity of the point equals the graph radius. The set of all central points is called the graph center.
The Hajós number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum k such that G contains a subdivision of the complete graph K_k.
Let graph G have p points v_i and graph H have p points u_i, where p>=3. Then if for each i, the subgraphs G_i=G-v_i and H_i=H-u_i are isomorphic, then the graphs G and H are ...
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