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1561 - 1570 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results

For |z|<1, product_(k=1)^infty(1+z^k)=product_(k=1)^infty(1-z^(2k-1))^(-1). (1) Both of these have closed form representation 1/2(-1;z)_infty, (2) where (a;q)_infty is a ...
A differential k-form can be integrated on an n-dimensional manifold. The basic example is an n-form alpha in the open unit ball in R^n. Since alpha is a top-dimensional ...
Let p and q be partitions of a positive integer, then there exists a (0,1)-matrix A such that c(A)=p, r(A)=q iff q is dominated by p^*.
Let n be an integer such that n>=lambda_1, where lambda=(lambda_1,lambda_2,...) is a partition of n=|lambda| if lambda_1>=lambda_2>=...>=0, where lambda_i are a sequence of ...
An array A=a_(ij), i,j>=1 of positive integers is called an interspersion if 1. The rows of A comprise a partition of the positive integers, 2. Every row of A is an ...
An inverse permutation is a permutation in which each number and the number of the place which it occupies are exchanged. For example, p_1 = {3,8,5,10,9,4,6,1,7,2} (1) p_2 = ...
"The" Jacobi identity is a relationship [A,[B,C]]+[B,[C,A]]+[C,[A,B]]=0,, (1) between three elements A, B, and C, where [A,B] is the commutator. The elements of a Lie algebra ...
The longest increasing scattered subsequence is the longest subsequence of increasing terms, where intervening nonincreasing terms may be dropped. Finding the largest ...
Given a triangle with angles (pi/p, pi/q, pi/r), the resulting symmetry group is called a (p,q,r) triangle group (also known as a spherical tessellation). In three ...
A two-regular graph is a regular graph for which all local degrees are 2. A two-regular graph consists of one or more (disconnected) cycles. The numbers a_n of two-regular ...
